Blue Series
Constanza Carvajal
Video, objects, installation
Weimar-Dresden, Germany
The Blue Series is a multi media and ongoing project that deals with the social and political meaning of color blue through the history of its migrated pigment and the symbolic presence that the color has in today’s political landscape of Germany. The production of blue has been not only simbolically engaged with defining power structure and class. Also, it has been at the centre of conflicts and shaped economies and overseas trade. Blue still remains representing the bright side of politics: democracy, union and pact, but nowadays is endangered as well, by the “ownership” of the right wing party AFD. The Blue Series unfolds a series of comments and exercises that take as departure point the Blaues Archiv from the AFD.
Using installation and video as main media, the work brings to surface dialogues between meaning, displacement, colonialism, appropriation, and re-appropriation.
Project developed on the frame of the exhibition “Imaginary Bauhaus Museum” by the MFA Program Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, in cooperation with Schiller Museum Weimar and Weimar Klassik Stiftung.
The video work "Because Blue my Friend is" was developed during an Artist in Residency program from the 22nd International Dresden Summer Academy for Visual Arts, Riesa Efau, Dresden 2019.
Blau Machen, Installation. Schiller Museum Weimar
© Photos by Carlos Santos
Blue Pancakes Muster at Make Yourself at Home
© Photo and host: Katherin Gutierrez
Because Blue My Friend Is, Video Stills
©Constanza Carvajal
Blue Talk
©Photo by Ahram Chae