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Constanza Carvajal

Video, objects






2024 What four walls can’t, a cushion can. Galerie Bernau. Bernau bei Berlin, Germany

2021 Frühjahrsputz. Sozial Kaufhaus Weimar MobiLé. Weimar, Germany

2021 Alles muss raus. Public Space. Weimar, Germany

2019 Public Laundry. Der Laden. Weimar, Germany

Awards, Scholarships & Grants


2022 Neustartkultur. Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE)

2021 Sonderstipendienprogramm 2021. Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen (DE)

2019 Tutorienfonds . Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Fund Grant (DE)

2018 Bauhaus Module. Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Fund Grant (DE)

2017/2019  DAAD Scholarship Bildende Kunst, Design/visuelle Kommunikation und Film (DE)

2015 Avonni Preis: Chilean Cultural Innovation Price for Mil M2 arts collecive.  (CL)

Artist in Residency


2022 Artsist in Residency. Platform. Vaasa, Finland

2019 Artist in Residency & Stipendium. Sommerakademie Riesa efau. Kultur Forum, Dresden

2018 Artist in Residency. Far° Nyon Festival. Switzerland (with Mil M2)

2017 Artists in Residency Werk Stadt Katternberg. Pact Zollverein, Essen (with Mil M2)

Collective/ Collaborations/ Groups


Questions Distribution. Performance Series. Theater Rampe, Stuttgart, Germany  (Mil M2)

From here On. Freiheits Denkmal Leipzig. With Daniel Theiler & Angelika Waniek. Leipzig Germany



Leseraum. Bed Linen. Urgent Paradise. Laussane, Switzerland

The Wandering Cabinet. Night of the Arts. Platform. Vaasa ,Finland

What would you ask Democracy? Now Play This Festival, London, UK. (Mil M2)



Da sind Wir* 02 - Project in public space. Veddel, Hamburg.  Project from Studio Flex & Sarah Drain



The Book of Urgent Questions- Unfinished Questions. New York/Santiago de Chile (Mil M2)

Question Project/ Jautājumu projekts- International Festival of Contemporary Theatre

Homo Novus. Riga, Latvia (Mil M2)



Danke Thüringen. Did you mean Bauhaus? Galerie Bernau. Bernau bei Berlin, Germany

One Line Portrait. Installation in Public Space. Weimar, Deutschland.

The Blue Series. Imaginary Bauhaus Museum. MFA Public Art & New Artistic Strategies

Schiller Museum Weimar, Germany

Question Project Dublin. Fringe Festival Dublin, Irland (Mil M2)

Frage Projekt Berlin. Claiming Common Spaces Festival. HAU Berlin, Germany (Mil M2)

Public Drying. Che Bella Brutta, Bauhaus goes Bochum, Ruhr Universität, Bochum, Germany



Baustille. Berliner Herbstsalon III. Bauhaus Universität Weimar in Cooperation with the Maxim Gorki

Theater. Berlin, Germany.

Horizon. Farº Festival, Nyon, Switzerland. (Mil M2)



Proyecto Pregunta Habitat III, Performance and Intervention. Habitat III UN Conference,

Quito, Ecuador (Mil M2)

Proyecto Pregunta, Performance & Collection Solidarity Museum Salvador Allende, Santiago, Chile (Mil M2)

Campo de Juego - Mil M2 solo-show, CCU Art Gallery, Santiago, Chile (Mil M2)

Frage Projekt Dresden, “Projeto Brasil Festival”, Europäisches Zentrum der Kunste - Hellerau, Dresden, Germany (Mil M2)

Proyecto Pregunta, Intervention. “Changing Places Festival”, Siemens Stiftung, Chile (Mil M2)

Workshops and Lectures

2023  Workshop DSW*03. Symposium “Sichtbar machen werden sein: in queer_feministischer Perspektive von Kunst und Design” Muthesius Kunsthochschule. Kiel, Germany

2023  Workshop DSW*04 Symposium Re_searching Urbanity. Floating University Berlin

2023  Workshop. “Mending Matters”. Haus am Horn Reloaded. With Daniel Theiler. Klassik Stiftung Weimar

2023 Gast Vortrag. Seminar Site-specific Post Colonial Practice. Berlin University Alliance


2021  Guest Lecture. Lo común, lo privado y lo Virtual en el Espacio. Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile


2020 Guest Lecture. Vernacular Design for Anonymus Spaces- Bauhaus Module, Weimar.

2019 Workshop You don’t Wash your Dirty Laundry in Public. Bauhaus Universität Weimar.

2018 Seminar The Irony Workshop. Bauhaus Module. Bauhaus Universität Weimar.

2018 Panel. Claiming Common Spaces Festival. HAU. Hebbel am Uffer, Berlin. (with Mil M2)

2018 Vortrag. DAAD Künstlertreffen, Universidad der Künste, Berlin.



2021. Sculpture Class with Prof. Thomas Demand & Prof. Oliver Laric. HFBK, Hamburg 


2019 MA. Art in Public Space and New Artistic Strategies. Prof. Danica Dákic. Bauhaus Universität Weimar.


 2012 Architecture Diploma. Architecture & Design School PUCV: Catholic University of Valparaíso

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